Logo Contest
The Lab has entered it's second year as of January 1st and while we've got all the trappings of a good hackerspace we're still missing one key component: a logo! We've had a few internal goes of hacking around with concepts but never set down and picked a deadline to vote on the options members have come up with. So we're going to throw a logo competition and the prize, of course, is that we get a free logo and thank you very much for it. The contest is open to members and non-members alike. The "rules" are as follows:
Submission Format:
- A vector format (SVG, AI, etc) *
- Optionally: An example of the logo in use (t-shirt mockup, desktop,
web page, etc)
*: If you don't have a tool that can produce a vector format send in a
high-res lossless format but keep in mind that it will likely need to
be converted to a vector format at some point so keep the "grungy"
photoshop filters to a minimum.
How to Submit: Email submissions to 757Labs@gmail.com.
Deadline: March 15th (the Ides!)
We know we've got some creative members and lurkers so we're looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with.