More updates
Kyle has successfully connected a real IGT slot machine to a computer running Linux. The computer plays the game (simulating quarters) and records the payout (if any) to a SQL database. Soon the game will be online for people to play (not for money), and more importantly to record and calculate the odds of winning. Pretty neat stuff, and the whole project has progressed very rapidly.
The co2 laser has arrived for the engraver.
Some work has started to build an online radio station that will play music from Hampton Roads. Right now things are being worked out with the automation system. Next up will be the streaming system and web page. Then soliciting for content.
Donkey Kong has been repaired, Ms Pac-Man has been moved to a switchmode power supply and will hopefully be stable.
Game development project underway
There is a new project at the lab around making an arcade game/simulator. There is an ambitious schedule on a whiteboard upstairs, and a development system where a few of the open source racing applications are being tested to see which is the best candidate as a starting point. It could be quite exciting! Matt Crainer has a background in modeling & simulation programming, and a number of others are assisting. Drop him a line if you are interested!
Freeplay a success
The Freeplay event this weekend was a success. The arcade games at the lab that made it to the event were played non-stop, and came back mostly the same. The consoles and vintage computers were also a big hit.
A number of new events and good meetups are coming up in August. The hackerspaces in space balloon launch is coming up as well. More details on that once they solidify.
Will post some freeplay photos in Flickr soon.