Objective C / Cocoa Programming Group
We're excited to announce the reformation of the Objective C and Cocoa programming group that will be meeting here at the Lab. Their first meetup will be tomorrow, March 8th at 6:30. Come out and meet some local OS X and iOS developers.
Also be sure to come out Wednesday the 9th for the 757.rb meetup where the topic will be managing application assets with Paperclip, S3, and ImageMagick given by Mike Buckbee as well as a review of what's new in Rails 3.1 given by Ken Collins.
Ruby/Python meetup videos
We recorded the last Ruby meetup, and it's on Vimeo for those interested. We recorded a most excellent presentation by Jeremy Demar about pcap processing with python, and unfortunately something went wrong and there is no audio. We've got things down to a science now, and in the future there should be many more presentations from the lab.
757.rb Learn to Program #1 a success!
On Sept 08th the 757.rb Ruby Meetup Group met at the lab for an introduction to Ruby programming. Attendance hit at least 23 people, and the presentation was good. Thanks to all for coming out, and thanks to Ken Collins for putting it together!
The next 757.rb meet up (in a month) will detail actually writing applications in Ruby.
757.rb Ruby Group on Wed: Using ActiveMerchant for Fun and Profit
Just a heads up that the 757.rb Ruby group is meeting on Wednesday, Aug 11th at 6PM with a presentation "Using ActiveMerchant for Fun and Profit" presented by Nathaniel Talbott.
To RSVP and for more information, visit the 757.rb meetup group page here: