757 Labs A Hackerspace in Hampton Roads, Virginia.


A Long Cray Supercomputer Weekend

Posted by telmnstr

Some more progress was made on getting the Cray J932SE supercomputer running at the lab. Using information from the logs of the friendly people at Cray-Cyber and doing some hacking on our own, we made it through part of the install process that hasn't been reached before. That is the good news. The bad news is there is a program or two missing from the Sun Workstation that appears to be required to actually install the UNICOS operating system on the computer. Feelers are out on the Internet and hopefully we will figure it out soon! Stay tuned.

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New parts for the Cray Supercomputer

Posted by telmnstr

Thanks to the generosity of Cray Inc, we now have hard drives that will work in our system. This means we should be good to go ahead and finish up the UNICOS installation and bring the system online! This is a vintage system that is historical and not considered fast by modern standards, but has use in learning about vector computer systems. Much thanks to Cray Inc!

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