757 Labs A Hackerspace in Hampton Roads, Virginia.


Next round of projects

Now that the balloon launch is done and we were able to see some great results, it's time to start thinking about new projects. Matt C/Mark G and others have their simulator project going (and kudos to them for such great structure!) There has been a little talk among other members about starting some new projects.

UAV - Unmanned Ariel Vehicle. 757 Labs started developing an open source control program called OpenVulture. We could build a plane, run it on existing microcontroller platforms. We could fly OpenVulture with some work. We could work on building our own foam plane platforms.

ROV - Remote Operated Vehicles. Generally underwater exploration vehicles. We've also got some ideas on floating saucers that do underwater mapping, and some other neat ideas.

Interested? Have other ideas, or are interested in other things? Post on the mailing list!!

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  1. 757 Labs;

    One of these would make a cool project http://hackaday.com/2010/09/24/unmanned-ocean-crossing/ Seems to me that a Transatlantic Crossing is certainly possible (even round the world.) I’d start by educating myself about ocean currents and prevailing winds v.s. time of year.

    Good Luck!

  2. Just got back in town; I can meet up at the labs next weekend to help start designing solutions =-]]]]]]]]]]]

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