757 Labs A Hackerspace in Hampton Roads, Virginia.


Microcontroller night report (3/27/10)

The 2nd micro-controller night was a success! A long night for some folks, indeed. Activities started off with trying to decode the protocol used by the UFO LED under car "neon" kit with a bus pirate board. Harold's USB oscope shed light on it but we will have to return to this in the future. Travis got an arduino microcontroller driving an Oracle LED sign (made by Sunrise Microsystems.) Very cool! The original control electronics were archaic and control software never worked right. Still some hacking to go before the entire 12' sign is running but much progress was made.

There was also discussion of the hackerspaces in space high altitude balloon project. It's going to be quite a challenge to stay in budget, and track this thing. There are stilll a few solutions to narrow down, but we've got the basic idea in place. Jody has created a new mailing list for this specific project, if you wish to join email him (jfranklin) or me (telmnstr.)

Chad set a new record on Galaga for the lab. Travis helped mount the whiteboard to hold the new record. A few new folks made it to the lab (Chad, Matt.)

Overall, good times!

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  1. that’s right. New high score! :)

  2. >Jody has created a new mailing list for this specific project,
    >if you wish to join email him (jfranklin) or me (telmnstr.)

    How do I get Jody’s or Ethan’s E-Mail address so i can join the High Altitude Balloon Project Mailing List?

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