757 Labs A Hackerspace in Hampton Roads, Virginia.


CNC Router Progress

Someone recently asked in a comment what the progress is on the CNC router project. The good news is the Bosch T-nut parts *finally* arrived from L&H. Combined with some M5 screws from the local American Maintenance Supply, I was able to mount the NSK linear slides to the Bosch extrusions. I also picked up some bolts to mount four corner parts to the underside of the frame to elevate it, making room for the center drive down the middle for the long axis.

The next step is to cut and drill out the aluminum plate that will form the sides of the gantry. I also need to get the proper saw blade to cut the aluminum extrusions so I can mount the 45mm x 90mm extrusion across the gantry. Cutting out the hole for the stepper motor seems like it is going to be difficult.

Progress is happening, just a bit slowly. The good news is the next post that is going to contain information about the laser engraver project. :-) It's rapidly progressed.

Picture of aluminum extrsion CNC router project