Open hack night followup and Art|Everywhere
Open hack night on Friday was pretty dead in terms of visitors with the exception of 3 new people that stopped by for a bit. But while it was a quiet night in terms of visitors, it was an active night in terms of projects. Kyle recapped his Rampage World Tour monitor which went from non-working to looking great. The robot arm got some needed attention. Work has started on wiring it up properly. The gecko drives are being mounted with the bigger power supply and cooling. Mike's Silent Scope Hardware Error -11P failure has been corrected. We're working to engineer a repair kit for these machines and put it on the market. Don't think the lab is just about video games, it just happens that a few of them showed up as projects that need highly technical fixes. Others were working on other projects as well.
The lab has been selected as an entrant into Art|Everywhere. Very exciting! So work will begin soon on creating our masterpiece.
March 21st, 2011 - 09:34
My name is Oscar and I am the local marketing manager for RED BULL in Virginia. I tried stopping by a couple of times over the past month but no one was around. I wanted to check out your spot (saw some pictures online, looks great) and chat with you about an upcoming event that we have going on called Red Bull Creation. We are working with a couple hacker spaces/maker communities in NY and I think that you and your members may have some interest in the competition. I also have a gift for you guys…………its a little difficult to get working (I’m not technically gifted), but I’m sure you and your guys wont have any issues. Please email or call me when you get a chance. I look forward to meeting, speaking, and hopefully working with you.
Oscar Chow
Red Bull North America | Virginia
(sorry for the mass email)